Seminars & Workshops
Keynote Addresses, Seminars, Workshops and Teacher Training Institutes are designed to the specifications of the requesting school, district, or organization. Listed below are topics that can be presented or modified to meet the specific needs and desired outcomes of the client.
- Standard English Learners: The Overlooked and Underserved Language Minority
- Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Instruction: Transforming Perceptions, Pedagogy and Practice
- Language Variation and Learning: Why African American Students aren’t Successful in American Schools
- Linguistically Responsive Instruction: Powerful Pedagogy for Advancing Learning in African American and other Standard English Learner Populations
SEMINAR/WORKSHOP TITLES: *Tiles can be revised to address specific student populations:
- Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Instruction: Powerful Pedagogy for Advancing Learning in Underachieving Students
- Advancing Language Acquisition and Learning in African American Standard English Learners (SELs)
- Closing the Achievement Gap: Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Instruction
- Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Instruction: Transforming Perceptions, Pedagogy and Practice in the Education of Underperforming Minority Students
- Shifting Paradigms and Building New Schemas for Educating Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students: Instructional Strategies that Work” Language Variation and Literacy Acquisition in African American Students: Improving Instruction and Increasing Learning
- Non-Biased Assessment of SELs: The Significance of Culture and Language in Differential Diagnosis (Audience: School Psychologists and Speech Pathologists)
- Linguistically Responsive Instruction: Strategies for Advancing Language, Literacy and Learning in African American and other underperforming students
- Academic English Mastery: Implementing a Program for Standard English Learners Best Practices for Improving Academic Achievement in Underperforming Students: What the Research says
- Language Acquisition, Literacy and Teaching Children of African Ancestry
TIME REQUIRED: 2 -6 Hours, (2 hrs. = minimum time required for Workshop)
(1½ hours = minimum time required for keynote address)
TARGET AUDIENCE: Teachers, Administrators, Coaches, Paraeducators, Speech-Language Pathologists, Psychologists, Resource Teachers, Reading Specialists, Special Education Teachers, Principals, Board Members, etc.
PRESENTATION FORMAT: Lecture/Interactive discussion/ active engagement/ Video clips
MATERIALS: Presentation Handout / Reading references/ Reflection protocols
AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT REQUIRED: LCD Projector & Screen, Sound Speakers & microphone (prefer hand held)
Latest Publication
Academic Language Mastery: Culture in Context

ISBN-13: 978-1506337159/
ISBN-10: 15063371555
A SAGE Publishing Company
Language English
List price $24.95
List price $23.70
Scheduled Seminars - 2025
March 27th-29th, 2025
Dr. LeMoine Featured Speaker
California Association of Bilingual Educators (CABE)
50th Anniversary Conference
Honoring Our Past, Embracing Our Future:
50 Years of Bilingual Advocacy & Excellence
Long Beach, California
May 12th-17th, 2025
Rochester City Schools & Teacher Center
“Institute on Teaching and Learning”
Dr. LeMoine Presenting: Keynote Address,
Educational Seminar, Panel Presentation
and School Visitations
Rochester, New York
May 18th-May 25th, 2025
Dr. LeMoine Leading
African American Cultural Tour
Washing D. C.
October 19th-28th, 2025
Dr. LeMoine Participant
Educational Tour & Exchange
Singapore and Thailand