“A child cannot be taught by anyone whose demand, essentially, is that the child repudiate his experience and all that gives him sustenance.”
– James Baldwin, 1997

“No one should make the claim
of being educated until he or she
has learned to live in harmony
with people who differ from them.”
– James Baldwin

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measures.”
– Marianne Williamson

“A mind is a fire to be kindled,
not a vessel to be filled.”
– Plutarch

“We have to improve life, not just for those who have the most skills and those who know how to manipulate the system. But also for and with those who often have so much to give but never get the opportunity.”
– Dorothy Height – “And Still I Rise”



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Latest Publication

Academic Language Mastery: Culture in Context

Academic Language Mastery Culture in Context - Book

ISBN-13: 978-1506337159/
ISBN-10: 15063371555
A SAGE Publishing Company
Language English
List price $24.95
List price $23.70

Contact Us

Noma LeMoine, Ph. D.

Mailing Address:
LeMoine & Associates Educational Consulting
5120 Brea Crest Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90043

Phone: (323) 293-1670
Cell: (213) 361-8590
Email: [email protected]




An Investment in our Children is Insurance for Our Future!